You can't predict when or where an accident will strike. But you can make sure you have a safety net of financial protection to help if an accidental injury occurs.
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere - at home, at work, on the playground or on the road.
Some of the most common injuries include:
* Broken Bones
* Burns
* Concussions
* Lacerations
* Back or Knee Injuries
* Accidental injuries that send you to the Emergency Room, Urgent Care or a physician's office. (Select Picture for Additional Information)
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Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere - at home, at work, on the playground or on the road.
Some of the most common injuries include:
* Broken Bones
* Burns
* Concussions
* Lacerations
* Back or Knee Injuries
* Accidental injuries that send you to the Emergency Room, Urgent Care or a physician's office. (Select Picture for Additional Information)
Please click below to return to the first page and complete the info request form.